Are We Reflecting the Hope of Christmas This Year?

In a world that seems to be filled with fear, anger, and confusion, are we Christians talking and living in a way that will draw others to the amazing message of Christmas, the best news humanity has ever received? 700 years before Jesus was born, God gave the prophet Isaiah a foreshadowing of Jesus’ birth when he said:“For a child is born to us,a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called:Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6, NLT) At Jesus’ birth, an angel appeared to shepherds nearby and calmed their fears by saying, … “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:10-12 (NIV) There are 3 messages of hope in the Christmas story that are really good news for everybody on earth today!

1) Jesus’ primary mission to earth was to bring us salvation from sin! ALL human beings sin, meaning we say and do things that are less than God intended and wants for us. And, we can’t stop sinning just by trying to be better. What’s even worse, our sin separates us from God. So Jesus came to die for our sins, offer us forgiveness, and for those who accept his forgiveness and believe in Him, a new life spiritually and a new reconciled relationship with God. We can become new spiritual creations in Christ, and become part of his Kingdom for eternity! This leads us to Hope #2:

2) Jesus came to be the “Prince of Peace“! So, with terrorism and wars all over the place, where’s the peace? As we hear the words of Jesus, we realize “world peace” is not going to fully come until he returns, destroys evil (Satan), and fully established his new Kingdom, made up of of forgiven believers. Those who choose not to follow him will be permanently separated from his Kingdom. It all boils down to our decision on how we each respond to Jesus’ offer of forgiveness & new life. In the meantime, Jesus offers us his own spiritual peace to face this difficult, unpredictable world: 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV) Jesus offers us the same peace he modeled every day, one that does not flee conflict, pain, or even death. As God’s Holy Spirit lives within us, he gives us the same peace that Jesus had. When we know who we are in Christ, we have nothing on earth to ultimately fear, and we have confident assurance that God is with us and will never leave us. Are we living with that sense of peace today, being anchors of hope and faith to those overcome with terror and fear?

3) Jesus came to “bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL the people.” Jesus’ enemies hated him partly because he hung around with “sinners”, prostitutes, the poor and outsiders, rather than just the “good” Jews and religious people. He even talked to and healed Gentiles, the hated non-Jews (who today would be all of us who aren’t Jewish!). God’s message of salvation and forgiveness is for ALL people, of every race, tribe, and nation. Let’s face it, that’s not always popular to hear! As American Christians, do we get so caught up in our fear for safety that we fail to remember that Jesus loves all the people of the world, not just us? Remember that Jesus’ Kingdom is a lot bigger than just those in America. Are we praying for Christian refugees facing genocide in Africa and the Middle East? (After all, that’s where Jesus lived!) And even for the moderate Muslims who are caught in the horror and are forced from their homes? While there is a legitimate and necessary debate about refugees coming to America right now, can we at least do something to help them where they are? I know many ministries are helping refugees right now, such as Samaritan’s Purse, the Nazarene Fund through Glenn Beck’s organization, and a Catholic ministry called Christians at Risk. As a matter of fact, ABC news is doing a “20/20” special on Glenn Beck’s group tonight at 10 PM (Dec.18th)

My friends, the good news of Christmas is so wonderful that it can bring healing and hope to EVERYBODY, not just those who are like us. Jesus has the power and desire to save and change every heart in the world, and let’s not let fear sell his mission short! Have you made a personal decision to ask Jesus to forgive you and save you from sin? If not, that can be the best gift you will ever receive for Christmas! And for those of us who have made that decision and now belong to Jesus’ Kingdom, are we filled with His peace, or are you letting the fear of today limit your faith and joy? Finally, what can you and I DO to reach the lost and hurting of our world,both close and far away? I wish you all a truly joyous Christmas, filled with God’s peace, power, and the ability to see others through the eyes of Jesus!