As most of you know, CJ recently had a devastating diagnosis from our doctor. After a wonderful month in Florida, walking the beach and enjoying time with many friends, we returned with the hope that her cancer was under control and we would see a better year in 2020. Her CT scan showed otherwise, and the cancer has returned and is progressing to new areas. Our doctor looked for an hour or more for other possible known treatments, but came up with nothing that promised to stop the cancer. CJ has an extremely rare cancer and her bio-markers are different than other, more common strains. So, her diagnosis was that CJ has 6 months to a year of life expectancy. We came home in shock and many days of tears, but we have resolved to put our trust wholly in God at this point. We are certainly not naïve, and know that when the doctor gives you a diagnosis such as this, in most cases they tend to be correct.

But in spite of the doctor’s diagnosis, we know that God is sovereign over this world and us! He created the world and humanity for good, and he originally designed our bodies to live forever and he would dwell with us in the Garden of Eden. (see Genesis 1 &2) But because of sin (Genesis 3), we were separated from God and we will all suffer physical death. One of CJ’s comforting thoughts through this whole process is that God knows the number of our days, and he knew that before her cancer and that timeline will not change in spite of the cancer! (Psalm 139:16) We know from our experience and that of countless others that God’s plan is always good for us, even if it doesn’t seem that way at this moment. SO, we choose to trust God’s plan for CJs life, and mine as well. It appears the medical options are drying up, but God is not limited to that. So we put ourselves wholly in the hands of God. And where else would we want to be? What could be better than being in God’s loving care and plan?

Knowing that God’s plan is ultimately good, we want you to pray with us that we will discern just how that plan works out.

It may be that the doctor’s diagnosis fits with God’s plan, but it may not! CJ has joked that she wants to go home to Jesus in his timing, but she sure doesn’t want to show up too early! So I ask you pray with us on several fronts:

1) Pray for God to heal CJ!

Now as I ask this, please remember that God heals in many ways…

– He heals through medical breakthroughs.

 Our doctors have been wonderful this past year, and we believe God has used them to bring us to this point. We are continuing to check into things like clinical trials and alternative approaches, and its’ still possible God will open up another avenue here. Anything is possible with God. But right now, it looks like this door is closing up.

– He heals miraculously through his own healing touch!

Let me be clear: we choose this way, if it’s in God’s plan! We know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God can heal miraculously. We have seen it, and heard stories all our life of this happening.  I recently studied Mark chapter 5 with my men’s study, which has 3 healings of Jesus. I noticed 3 aspects of Jesus’ healings. The first example was of Jesus healing a man possessed by demons, so many they were called Legion. I believe all sickness is evil, in that God’s original plan for us was to never be sick. Cancer, especially, is evil and insidious as it eats away at healthy cells. Pray for Jesus to cast out these evil cancer cells from her body, just as he did those demons. The 2nd healing was of a woman with years of bleeding that made her an outcast from society. She reached out to touch his robe in a crowd, and was healed because of her act of faith. Pray that CJ and I (and you also) will reach out daily in faith for Jesus to touch CJ in the same way. The 3rd example in Mark was the healing of Jarius’ young daughter. Even though his daughter died before they got there, Jesus told him “Don’t be afraid. Just believe”. Then he brought her back to life! Pray that CJ and I will daily not be afraid and anxious, but will “just believe” that God has this under control.

Now, I understand praying for miraculous healing is a big stretch for most of us! I am guilty of knowing God can do it, but often thinking that God probably won’t do it in most cases. Truth is, God usually doesn’t heal miraculously in most cases. But when he does, he always does it for HIS glory and purpose, not just for us. Every time Jesus healed, it was to point to his power and his plan for future redemption from sin and the ultimate restoration of our world and us in his future Kingdom. He always has compassion on us, but his ultimate desire is for us to trust him for the future life that will be so much better than we can ever imagine now.

– God heals through death.

 This is God’s ultimate healing for those who trust in him. All of our bodies will die physically, but for those who trust our lives to Jesus, we know that we will never die! Our souls will be with God, and we are promised new resurrection bodies that will never get sick or die. And we look forward to an amazing life in a new heaven and earth where we will be fully human, living free from the effects of sin, and God will dwell with us. So, as much as we love this life and world, we know that this new life will be much better and beyond our imaginations!

2)  Pray for wisdom to discern God’s plan for healing!

Yes, God WILL heal CJ, but it will be according to his plan. He may choose to heal her through a physical touch, and she will live for a season longer to share the glory of God’s power. In my bias as her husband who wants her around for many more years, this is obviously my prayer! I pray visualizing her sharing the wonderful story of God’s healing in many groups of people, offering them hope and encouragement in their struggles and suffering as well. We would love nothing better than to bring God glory by such a testimony. But God may choose to heal her through death, and we know as believers that this new life with God will be totally amazing. As Jonathan Evans said in a eulogy at his mother’s funeral recently (Google it), God’s answer to our prayer is Yes! Yes, she will be healed, or, yes, she will be healed. Yes, she will live, or, yes, she will live. Yes, she will be with her family, or, yes, she will be with her family!

So pray with us for God to heal CJ according to his plan, because we know that he knows what is best for her. But pray with confidence! James, the brother of Jesus, reminds us of this in James 1:5-8:
5  If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6  But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7  That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

3) Pray for our sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren.

Our family knows the reality of the situation and we have had some good talks already. But please pray that no matter how God decides to work this out, they will actually draw closer to God and feel the peace and assurance that he has already given to us. And pray especially for our 9 grandchildren, that whatever happens, they will see in us and their own parents the courage, strength, and peace that only God can give us as we go through a trial like this. It amazes me that the more you realize all you have left to trust in is God, the more you feel his presence and get the impression that he’s telling you “It’s going to be OK. I’ve got this, and I will take care of you”. Scripture has been vital to us this past year, and one of our favorites has been Isaiah 41:10: So dear not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”.

4) Pray that CJ and I will remain strong in our faith and at peace with God, and that God will use this whole experience to encourage others in their walk of faith and draw closer to Jesus!

In no way are we strong and courageous on our own! There are still many moments of fear, anxiety, and doubt. But Jesus carries us in our weaknesses, and gives us new strength and hope daily.

So, our dear friends, we need you to pray with us more than ever! We have been overwhelmed by the powerful prayer support you have given us in this past year, and we can’t begin to thank you enough!

Pray for God’s plan to be done….

Pray for God’s healing for CJ…

Pray for our family and for us to be strong and grow in faith…

And pray for God to work through this and bring good from it, advancing his Kingdom and drawing more people into it because of this experience.

At some point in the future, when all us who trust in Jesus are basking in the beauty and power of God himself in his Kingdom, we will look back at these days and perhaps finally understand why God did what he did in these trials in our lives. And all of this will seem as an insignificant speck in our past history.

And we will know that God loves us more than we ever imagined, and that everything is fine and good, just as God intended it to be!

Trust God and let him have your life, surrendering to his plan for you, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus be with you all!


  1. Nicely done Tom – you do an amazing job of capturing complex subjects and making them understandable and real through scripture. We continue to pray for CJ, you and your family. Your faith is inspiring. May God bless each of you.

  2. It is with tears in my eyes as I read your post, I’m amazed at your faith in the unknowns. Yet, why should I be so amazed. I know that God so infinitely gives His extra strength and grace when when we need it. Never too soon or never too late. This is so evident in your post, Tom! We commit to pray, along with others, for your specific requests you mentioned. What an inspiration you and CJ are to so many! We love you…

  3. Thank you, Tom and Claudia, for all your wisdom and heartfelt emotions, GOD’s words and promise, many can relate to your walk and in it, gives peace and understanding helping others from the past, and many who will walk this path in the future. Know your all loved and we lift all in Jesus’ name in spirit and prayers. God continues to bless and lead in your family. He is the way and the light. God loves you and so do we, and many many others..

  4. Your thoughts and hopes are expressed so clearly! Yes, I join you in your prayers in this situation. I lift up prayers for healing, wisdom, discernment, comfort, peace and strength. Interestingly, the word that comes to mind every time I bring CJ before the Lord is “clarity.” I pray both of you will be given the gift of resting in the assurance of a clear direction as you walk this difficult road. Wherever this road may lead I pray you feel confidence and courage in your deep desire to honor God.

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